Yuba, un jeune chanteur amazighe très talentueux!!



Yuba, the amazing black Amazigh from Dcheira....Agadir

Born in 1968 in Dcheira, Yuba spends his childhood in this town close to Agadir (Southern of Morocco). Affected by the marginal position of his Amazigh (Berber) culture, he joins the cultural movement to contribute in his way to the defense and the promotion of this thousand-year-old culture. He then starts to write poetry in Amazigh to show his attachment to his roots, before being tempted by the music. Convinced of the privileged place of music in the Human rights struggle, he starts to play the guitar and creates a musical group from which emerges the bass player, Jamal Boumadkar. In spite of many prohibitions by the Moroccan authorities, Yuba gives many concerts during several years and gets to be known by a large public.

The music of Yuba is based on intense melodies and texts about the injustice, the revolt and the human rights. His first album, Tawargit (Dream, in Amazigh), where he is the author, the composer and the interpret, has a promising success through out Morocco.

Follower of a musical style that he names as Amarg Music, he wishes to save the African bases of the Amazigh music.

Yuba, a black Souss Amazigh has really made a statement with his CD; I hope to hear more from him. He mixes his black roots with his Amazigh identity....beautifull.

Écoutez cette superbe voix!!







(Source: www.azawan.com)
"Aws i gmak" j adore !!! Yuba un artiste, un vrai... pourtant peu connu du grand publique...
Un musique et des paroles qui méritent le détour... ;-)
yuba cmon ami et si tu veux le contacter j'ai son adresse et j'ai une bonne nouvelle prochainement il va publié son 2eme album ;-)
et je te conseille d'ecouter la troupe MASSINISSA ses membres sont aussi talentueux ils ont des chansons vraiment attirante avec des tythme amazigh-africain :-D