

On 2 May 2007 a new technical platform for the interception of traffic data in all types of communication systems was discretly put into operation by the French Ministry of Interior, covering communication data related to text messages, mobile or Internet.
The security services are now in the position of knowing who has contacted whom, when and where and, by a simple click, they can obtain from the telephone operators the list of all calls from and to a subscriber. They can obtain the subscription documents of the respective person with address and bank information and can also require all the Internet sites or forum addresses the respective person has accessed.

The authorised services may require such kind of information from Uclat (Coordination unit of the anti-terror fight) that manages the technical centre located in the new headquarters of the security services of the national police of Levallois-Perret (Hauts-de-Seine), under the supervision of IGPN (The General Inspection of the National Police).
This comes as a direct result of the Sarkozy law adopted on 23 January 2006 in an emergency procedure, to prevent terrorist acts, after being found constitutional by the French Constitutional Council. The text of the law states that Internet Service Providers, Internet cafes, hosting providers and operators must communicate the traffic data, called numbers, IP addresses to specialised services in case of investigations related to suspect terrorist activities.

The law has created serious concerns to the public freedom advocates as well as to the magistrates as the procedure doesn't need the involvement of judges and ignores guarantees related to public freedoms.

Since the entering into operation of the new technical platform on 2 May, the centre has already dealt with 300 requests per week made mostly by DST (Direction de la surveillance du territoire) and RG (Renseignement Generaux). According to an estimation, the platform should be able to address about 20 000 requests per year.

The French justice system is, in its turn, creating its own national platform that will be finalised by the end of 2008 - beginning of 2009 to intercept SMSs and record phonecalls, not only for terrorism cases. Although France is not in the worst position in Europe as concerning data interceptions being surpassed by Italy, the Netherlands or Germany, the tendency is obviously towards an increase of the control by the authorities.
Vol d'identité sur Internet

Identity theft (vol des identités):
40 millions de Credit Cards volés à travers le monde a partir d'Internet; un proces unique en Amerique contre les malfaiteurs de diverses nationalités dont certains toujours introuvables:
#08-689: Retail Hacking Ring Charged for Stealing and Distributing Credit and Debit Card Numbers from Major U.S. Retailers (2008-08-05)

Rapport 2008: criminalité et vol d’identité sur Internet:
Identity Theft Resource Center ITRC 2008 Breach List

Criminalité sur Internet et legislation au Maroc (
Re : Securité

C' est en discutant dernièrement de la sécurité des mots de passe sur Internet que le role de la langue maternelle emerge.

Les logiciels spécialisés pour deviner les mots de passe cherchent dans les listes de mots construites a partir des langues reconnues et écrites, c' est a dire des langues qui possèdent des dictionnaires que l' on trouve aussi sur Internet.

Si on utilise des mots de passe basés sur des phrases construites a partir de sa langue maternelle (non écrite, non reconnue, non digitalisee), il y a aucun logiciel spécialisé capable de le deviner. Mais le mot de passe doit être une phrase qui contient au moins 20 caracteres.

Pourquoi une phrase et non pas des caracteres choisis au hasard? La phrase est facile a retenir mais difficile a deviner pour le monde exterieur qui ne vous connais pas ou ne connais pas tamazight.

L' usage des langues non reconnues ou rares pour sécuriser sa communication ne date pas d' aujourd'hui. Un general de l' armee japonaise a reconnu a la fin de la 2 eme Guerre Mondiale que son pays a perdu la guerre car les meilleurs specialistes de la cryptologie de son armée ont intercepté la communication de l armée américaine mais ne pouvaient pas la dechiffrer. Les américains utilisaient la langue maternelle des indiens Navajo.

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