Media technology: call for papers


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From the weblog of Marc Deuze (

This is a call for papers on topics relating to convergence culture. MIT's Henry Jenkins and I are guest editing a special issue of Convergence - The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies on convergence culture.

We are specifically looking for submissions of original research such as:

- Case studies of media companies adopting convergence culture;
- Case studies of specific fan communities and their relationships with media producers;
- explorations of transmedia storytelling, viral marketing, and Alternate Reality;
- Gaming as forms that tap the emerging relations between media producers and consumers;
- Mapping of ethical, political, economical and cultural changes and challenges in an emerging convergence culture;
- Quantitative and/or qualitative empirical work on the production, content, and/or consumption of media messages in the context of convergence culture;
- Research focusing on convergence culture in the context of specific media industries (such as: computer and video games, advertising, journalism, television);
- International comparative work on convergence culture in media production.

Proposals for papers should be directed to the editors. The deadline for submission of research articles is February 1st, 2007. The special issue will be published (by SAGE) in February 2008. Find more information at the website of this Call for Papers, the journal's home page, and the journal home at Sage Publications.

Please spread the word! We're excited about the possibilities this publishing venture offers to scholars in a wide variety of disciplines to examine these changing realities and opportunities for media work in an emerging global participatory media culture.


Congratulation for this unusual event. That should be a serious matter since you and MIT are involved

Will the conference be held in Morocco?
Are papers from individuals (not reserach organizations) welcome?
How tamazight related media materials could fit in the conference scope?

Je ne suis pas impliqué dans tous cela. Mais c'est iteressant pour ceux ou celles qui travaillent sur les nouvelles technologies mediatiques et les langues minoritaires comme tamazight.

Il faut ecrire sur et explorer sur les nouveaux moyens de diffustion de notre langue,
surtout ceux ou celles qui maitrisent l'Anglais!
