Lezing Amazigh cultuurtraditie & Iftar


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Islam en Amazigh cultuurtraditie


Organisatie: Stichting Aknarij

Samenwerkingspartners: Stichting Taznakht

Locatie: Podium Mozaïek
Bos en Lommerweg 191
1055 DT Amsterdam
T 020 5800380
F 020 5800389
E info@podiummozaiek.nl

Korte omschrijving: Prof. dr. Harry Stroomer, hoogleraar Talen en Culturen van het Midden Oosten aan de Universiteit Leiden, zal een lezing houden over de Amazigh cultuur. Hoe heeft de cultuur van de Berbers zich de afgelopen jaren ontwikkeld? Welke waardevolle tradities kent de Amazigh cultuur? Deze vragen zullen aan de orde komen tijdens de lezing. Met een muzikaal optreden van Ahwach uit Taznakht!


18:00 uur Inloop en Iftar

19:30 uur Lezing

Kosten: gratis

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[ Edité par idir le 22/10/2005 23:24 ]
Azul Friends
Islam in our society is not that Islam of middle east ,it is actually Amazighised or africanised.that why most Imazighen are tolerent and open-minded.You can discover this while you are in high atlas mountains of Morocco ;the tribes of ayt Hdidou ayt Merghad ,ayt Iedig and the tribes of Zayenn in the medium atlas...
but now the moroccan governments or moroccan regime backed up by the arab ideologies started to "islamismise" the Imazighen;that is to make them extrimists.how? by translating the coran into amazigh and interpret it as they want in hope to ARABIZE them and to insert them in the middle east body.The Amazigh popular Islam is totally different from the one which came from the East.I suppose to read more inthe works of Ernest Gellner and David M.Hart.
But it high time to discuss Islam and the Coran,are all these materiels true or false.Is Islam in favor of humanity or against it.If it destroyes human lives and captivate human freedom as what we saw now(terrorism,killings,ambiguity in interpreting texts, opaque answers to many issues) then it(Islam )is not good at all.please use your reason to decide about it. :p
You can see this in the sufi-brotherhoods which you can find in North-Africa.

par sidirebbi le 24/10/2005 16:51:11

Azul Friends
Islam in our society is not that Islam of middle east ,it is actually Amazighised or africanised.that why most Imazighen are tolerent and open-minded.

[ Edité par idir le 24/10/2005 19:29 ]
you can read this:The situation for the Amazigh people of Morocco is still one of oppression and economic marginalization. In this country, it is a pan-Arabic minority which detains the monopoly of economic and political power. An arabo-islamic ideology is imposed upon the Amazigh-speaking majority whose identity is ignored, denied and obstructed.

The last Royal Speech concerning the recognition of the Amazigh identity of Moroccans had raised some hopes that the centuries of injustices suffered by Imazighen would at last come to an end. The decision by the King to create a Royal Institute of Amazigh Culture, which seemed to be a step in the right direction, was a mere gesture. Unfortunately, we observe that pan-Arabic, basically anti-Amazigh personalities were appointed to the direction of this institution, and that, several months after its creation, this organization still has no roof. We are therefore led to think that this decision was not founded on any desire to make room for an Amazigh identity in Morocco, but simply served as another tactic to brake and divide the Amazigh civil movement which continues to gain in momentum.